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Scottsdale Sales Training, LLC | Scottsdale, AZ

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Up until a few weeks ago, before this terrible virus put selling into a tailspin, you would meet with prospects who already knew they wanted to buy what you sold. They prepared themselves through the internet by learning about the product (or service), and about you and your competition. They had the money to spend, so the only question was “who to buy it from?” We call that a “Why Me” market. The salesperson’s job was to build a compelling case for themselves as the agent and their company as the supplier and have the answer to “Why Me?"

When we do get on with business, hopefully sooner than later, we will not go back ever again to business as usual. You will find that big companies are not going to be so free with their spending. Smaller companies will follow their lead, and the similarities to 2008-2010 will be right in your face.

If you or your salespeople didn’t have good results back then, you won’t have them this time either. Those who did well made some adjustments, got the right training and coaching, and they made sure they were equipped back then. Those same salespeople will take what they learned an apply it to what’s happening today. Those that struggled back then will do the same thing now. How prepared are your salespeople for today? Click here to find out about your salespeople.

So instead of reliving those disastrous times, get the training and coaching that can help you get ahead of your competition, succeed faster, and not make excuses to your family that you’re a victim of the economy. Put that vacation back on the calendar and make it happen. How?

You are going to need a sales process. What’s that? Click here to grade yours. You will need Accountability, so the excuses won’t continue. You will need new short and long-term goals. Sales Managers must be trained how to coach, debrief, and grow their people. Prospecting activity doesn’t have to double, it just must be consistent, the stuff you know you’re supposed to be doing, you just haven’t needed to. Salespeople must learn how to sell Value, otherwise you play the price and “I can get it cheaper” game. And, finally salespeople must learn a current, consultative approach to selling.

This is your Second Chance.
Take advantage of it so you can succeed now and be ready for the future.


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